See what's important

Artglass is here so that millions of people around the world can enjoy their favorite art, photos and memorabilia, well protected and proudly displayed behind our invisible glass

Our products

Acknowledged by experts


Acknowledged by experts


Trusted by the World's Top Museums

From the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam to the Forbidden City Museum in Beijing, the world's leading museums trust Artglass to preserve and display their most cherished collections


Scientific Excellence

Drawing on more than 50 years of nanotechnology experience, Artglass pushes the innovation envelope to create new standards for quality and function


Artglass is the Ultimate Choice

How did a Latvian start-up become Europe’s leading supplier of anti-reflective glass? By never compromising on quality

Get inspired

Our portfolio of products shows the mind-boggling variety of incredible properties that regular glass can have when we apply our magical coatings. Explore the possibilities and see everything that glass can be

Our happy customers


See for yourself

Contact us and we will help you find our partners in your area so you can experience the difference

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Young artist support

Artglass has long supported young artists by giving them premium glazing for their debut exhibitions. Write to us and we will find a way to give your budding career an invisible push!

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Framing academy

Framing Academy is a community platform by Artglass that supports local custom framing businesses. From the first steps in framing to special tips and tricks, this resource gathers the information and tools needed to build a strong and sustainable framing business

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Get in touch!

If you want to find out more about our products, applications or just reach out - feel free contact us! Our team is ready to answer your questions.

Contact us