Are you looking for a custom framer? Find out what we consider important for choosing a framing professional. Find your local custom framer on our Framer Map!
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Some say that the best gifts don’t cost much money, as long as they come from the heart. And while that may sound cheezy, it often is the personal gift that really hits the spot. A ‘coupon for 50 hugs’ will always make your mom happy. Yet, it’s not the most original idea in the world.
Original gifts contain something unique and personal coming from you. Here are some ideas for creations that make wonderful gifts for your friends and family:
Your local custom framer is someone worth visiting to make that happen. They can frame and display almost anything – turning creativity and memories into mesmerizing gifts.
In case you don’t relax and rewind by making art, you can become a curator and select something that’s available for purchase. After, ‘package’ it with a unique custom-made frame and Artglass – the ultimate glass for art.
Here are some gift ideas that all have something in common – when framed, they turn into spectacles. And they last for years to come.
When was the last time you printed your photos? Or when was the last time you went through the photos on your phone? There must be some gems in your photo storage that deserve to see the light.
A professional picture frame can make your images look far better than what’s expected from an amateur. A simple format change like that can bring those phone pixels to life and turn them into centerpiece-worthy frames.
Something as simple as framing can elevate your artwork. A carefully selected molding ensures that the artwork is connected to its interior. A matboard creates a negative space around the artwork and ties it together with the frame. And professional glass will protect your art from fading and make it look spectacular at every angle.
Next time when you are not sure about the piece of art you’ve created – try framing it and look again!
If you are familiar with the art of printmaking, you know that it is a wonderful technique that fits into any modern interior. There are plenty of prints available online – ranging from very expensive to affordable and even cheap. One of our favorites is this site for nature lovers – guaranteed to make a great gift for anyone that appreciates wildlife.
Your local art museum will offer prints of significant artworks, or you can find artists online. You can even look up what’s available in ETSY here. After picking out your print, all you need is a frame and glass that highlight its best qualities.
Everyone has a passion for something. Your brother might go geek for album covers, your dad might love classic movies. Or perhaps you have that friend that’s obsessed with comic books? A picture frame can highlight any pastime activity and make a gift that is unique and personal. Fashion illustrations, anime posters, sports shirts, and maps of the world – all of these are examples of gifts that can be tailored to the receiver’s passions and personality.
We included memorabilia here to get you thinking about your relationships and memories. And then get creative with them.
Have you kept the tickets to that basketball game you went to with your father? Why not frame those together with a picture from the match?
Or maybe you have kept a note from your first date with your spouse? A cute little frame would make it only more meaningful.
Or perhaps you have a recipe from your grandmother’s cookbook? That would be a very powerful gift to your mother or sister.
Have you thought of getting yourself into scrapbooking? Use pressed flowers, photographs, notes, or other little artifacts and compile them into a truly personal showcase of your important moments. Put it all in a beautiful picture frame, add Artglass, and elegantly preserve these memories forever!
Your custom framer will be able to put almost anything in a picture frame. And they will do it with a professional touch, creating unique presents for your loved ones.
Frames are not just decorative. They portray emotions, memories, and personalities. Most of the sentimental value comes from the content of a frame. Custom framing adds value and makes what’s inside an integral part of an interior.
A custom frame consists of professional materials that are sturdier, more durable, and protect what’s inside. At a frame shop, you will be offered the highest quality Artglass, that has almost no reflection and brings out the true colors. It’s an improvement that your loved ones need but perhaps haven’t tried before. The frame itself will become a valuable gift and inspire the receiver to preserve the most important things in their life.