Are you looking for a custom framer? Find out what we consider important for choosing a framing professional. Find your local custom framer on our Framer Map!
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Framing is one of the most important aspects of displaying art in your home. It protects your artwork from damage and presents it in the best possible way. Proper artwork display requires having a good understanding of how to choose your design and what to expect from the framing process.
Ready-made frames can be bought off the shelf at most home decor, art shops, and even department stores. They are usually made in bulk and with little individual attention.
Custom framing is a collaborative process in which you have a choice over the size and materials of your frame. The guidance of a skilled craftsman allows you to create a frame tailored specifically to meet your artwork’s needs.
You may think that custom framing is more expensive than buying off-the-shelf products because it’s custom-made by a craftsman using quality materials (like Artglass invisible glazing), but this isn’t always the case!
In fact, ready-made frames can incur higher costs than custom frames, due to the negative effects that poor-quality framing materials cause for your artwork. So take into account the value of your framed items and the potential damage that can come from inappropriate framing choices.
If you try to unpack and frame valuable art yourself, there is a risk of damaging the artwork. Without the proper tools and expertise, you may cause scratches, tears, or other types of physical damage to the piece. Repairing these types of damage can be both challenging and costly.
A custom framer can assist with safe artwork unpackaging and inspecting it for any potential damage. Moreover, they also have the expertise and equipment to safely mount and secure the artwork in the frame, ensuring that it is protected for years to come without any intrusive framing techniques. By entrusting your artwork to a custom framer, you can be confident that your art will be handled with the utmost care and professionalism.
Before you go visit your custom framer, it’s important to evaluate your interior style and aesthetic. This will help you choose the perfect frame for your artwork and your home. Here are some things to consider:
What is your interior style? Is it modern or traditional? How much space do you have on your chosen wall?
What is the room’s colour scheme? Identify the interior’s base colour and any standout hues, such as accent decor, fabric or furniture. What other shades complement your current room design? For more inspiration on the effect that colour can have on framing, check out our blog on interior colour trends for 2023.
What materials are present in the room? Consider integrating materials and textures into the frame that harmonize with your artwork and interior, or contemplate using alternative materials to make it stand out.
When you are working with a framer, it is important to communicate your needs and expectations. The monetary value of the artwork should be discussed as well as its importance to you. You should let your framer know how unique or rare the artwork is, so they can best prepare for framing it properly.
When designing frames for cherished items and memorabilia, glass becomes essential – to protect the images or objects from moisture, dust, UV light, and other potential damage. And something as simple as glass can considerably elevate the impact of your final framing.
Your custom framer has a large variety of materials, in almost all possible textures, patterns, and finishes. You will also encounter a variety of choices when it comes to glazing. These specialty glazing options are only available at frame shops, so take advantage of the choice while you’re there. The professional glazing options include:
Anti-reflective glass. This coated durable ultra-clear glass is designed specifically for framing – ensuring that every detail is visible and the glass reflections are reduced to the absolute minimum. Anti-reflective glass will have the biggest impact on dark artworks and detailed pieces. The reduced-reflection glass also looks great in pictures and creates a peaceful sense in the interior.
UV-protective glass. UV protection can be combined with reflection control to ensure protection from up to 100% of the damaging UV light. This will greatly reduce the rate of artwork fading, and ensure that your art is not only beautifully exhibited but also protected according to museum standards.
Shatter-resistant glass. You can find shatter-resistant glazing products that combine all the above-mentioned properties and additionally provide physical protection for the artwork. This is best suited for framing for public areas, seismic zones, and other cases, where there is a risk of damage.
No doubt there are many cheap ready-made frames available, and for some of your frames, it may also be an acceptable choice. Poor-quality frames are sometimes enough for inexpensive posters, seasonal decor, or other framed pieces with little to no monetary or sentimental value.
However, only custom framing can ensure proper protection for higher-value items. So when you purchase art decor as an investment, or when you frame personal and significant items, it’s also worth investing in a proper environment for them. Your local custom framing shop will be the best place to do just that.